Spaces Available for Reservation
Lobby: The Campus Activities Building has a multi-purpose lobby and foyer area available for special events. Capacity is 175. This facility is only available by special permission of the Director of Campus Activities.
Conference Room 115: One conference room seating up to 50 people in moveable chairs and tables. There is currently no audio/visual equipment available in the room.
Conference Room 122: A moderate size conference room seating approximately 30 people. The room is equipped with a whiteboard, screen and a video projection unit.
East Lounge 116: The East Lounge is a multi-purpose lounge/conference room located off the south-east end of the lobby. The room is carpeted and has no permanent furniture. Depending on type of setup, the room may accommodate up to 50 people. The room is equipped with a whiteboard, screen and a computer station/video projection unit.
West Lounge 120: This room is permanently set up as a student lounge/study area complete with large screen television. This space is only available by special permission of the Director of Campus Activities.
Outdoor Patio/Picnic Area: Adjacent to the south end of the Campus Activities Building, the patio and picnic area is a convenient and enjoyable location to hold a summer social event. Picnic tables and barbecue grills are available.

For information or
assistance, please stop
by the office,
call us at:
315 464-5618
[email protected]
Ryan Green
Director, Campus Activities
[email protected]
Kristina McLaughlin
Assitant Director, Campus Activities
[email protected]
Della LaVeck
Administrative Assistant
[email protected]
Suite 202
Campus Activities Building
Office Hours:
8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Phone: 315 464-5618