Adult and Pediatric Burn Guideline Manuals
Adult Specific Guidelines
American Burn Association Burn Center Referral Criteria
- Burn Activation
- Resident Burn Manual 2021
- Nursing Resource Manual 2022
- Trauma Team Activation Criteria
- Checklist for Burn Admissions
- Daily Expectations of the Residents on the Burn Service
- Emergency Department/Trauma Adult Airway Management Protocol
- Airway Management for Inhalation Injuries in Adult Patients
- Pre-Operative, Operative, and Post Operative Procedures for Graft Loss Prevention
- Triage Treatment and Transfer of the Burn Patient
- Hypothermia in Burn Patients Adult ED
- Hypothermia Algorithm
- Patient Appropriate for Admission
- Fluid Resuscitation for Adult and Pediatric Burn Patients in the Emergency Department
- Infection Control for Burn Patients-refer to policy
- Care of the Amish Patient with a Burn Injury
- Burn Dressing Application Recommendations for Varying Burn Depths
- Management and Prevention of Delirium in Geriatric Burn Patients
- Palliative Care For Adult Patients
- Mental Health Screenings and Interventions for (Adult and Pediatric) Trauma and Burn Patients
- Consults for Adults Admitted with Burn Injuries
- Burn Service/SICU Responsibilities
- PTSD Screen
- Adult Burn Nutrition Protocol
- Steven Johnson Syndrome/Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis (SJS/TENS) for Adults and Pediatrics
- Rehabilitative Services for Adults and Pediatrics
- Rehabilitation Services During the Acute Phase of Care for Trauma Patients
Pediatric Specific Guidelines
- Pediatric Trauma Activation Criteria
- Emergency Department/Trauma Pediatric Difficult Airway Management Clinical Guideline (Ages 0-14 Years)
- Hypothermia in Burn Patients Pediatric Emergency Department
- Hypothermia Algorithm
- Airway Management for Inhalation Injury in Pediatrics
- Pain Management for Pediatric Patients with a Burn Injury
- Appropriate for Admission
- CCM Teamwork with Burn Team
- Consults for Pediatric Patients with a Burn Injuries
- Non-Accidental Trauma (NAT)
- Pediatric Burn Nutrition Protocol
- DVT-VTE Scoring for Pediatric Patients
- pdf/burn-risk-assessment-of-neglect-and-maltreatment-in-children-tool.pdf
- Palliative Care for Pediatric Patients with a Burn and/or Inhalation Injury
- Substance Use Screening, Assessment, Intervention, and Referral
- Pediatric SUD Screening and Social Work Consult
- Mental Health Screenings and Interventions for (Adult and Pediatric) Trauma and Burn Patients
- Burn Tape Video.mp4 (
Cyanide Management Guideline
Other Manuals