Cryo Electron Microscopy

Core Director: Stephan Wilkens, PhD
Phone: 315 464-8703
Location: 141 Weiskotten Hall
Email: [email protected]
- JEM-2100 (JEOL) 80-200 kV cryo configuration
- LaB6 electron source
- Gatan 626 cryo stage
- TVIPS F415-MP 4096x4096 pixel slow scan CCD camera, 15 µm pixel size, 6.1 x 6.1 cm imaging area
- TVIPS F114-NX 1024x1024 pixel fast scan CCD camera, 14 µm pixel size, up to 26 frames/sec for life imaging
- EMMENU software for manual and automatic image collection
Brief Description of Core: The Department of Biochemistry houses a state-of-the-art cryo transmission electron microscope (JEOL JEM-2100) equipped with cryo stage and digital imaging capabilities for observation of specimen at room and liquid nitrogen temperatures. The cryo TEM is suitable for observation of frozen hydrated specimen such as single protein molecules or two-dimensional crystals of membrane proteins. TVIPS EMMENU software allows automatic data collection for single molecule image analysis and cryo electron tomography.
Recharge Cost
The hourly rate for the JEM-2100 is $25.00 for Upstate investigators. Training ($50/hour) is available.