Graduate Courses

Core Curriculum (First-Year Courses)
Fall Semester
610GS Issues and Principles Directing Scientists
Topics will be presented which have direct bearing on everyday conduct of science. Classes will consist of lecture, discussion, and tours. Assigned readings will include chapters from the text to be supplemented by additional readings chosen by the lecturer. Student group presentation/discussions will form the majority of most classes (especially IRB). Students will be required to obtain an e-mail address and to sign on the SciFraud list server. Ethical issues based on case studies will be included with most lectures.
612GS Biomedical Sciences Laboratory Rotations
This is a special training program designed to acquaint students with areas of research and/or the use of methods, techniques, and instrumentation. Three different research laboratory rotations are required for all first-year PhD students. Rotations begin October 1, January 1, and April 1 (in three different research laboratories). A written report is due to the Advisor at the end of each rotation.
820GS(I) Biochemistry, Cell & Molecular Biology
First semester of a two-semester course which provides an introduction to biochemistry, molecular biology, cell biology and development appropriate for graduate students who will pursue diverse areas of research. Major emphases include the chemical, functional, and structural basis of biological functions and structures, and the principles underlying important methods in biotechnologies.
Topics covered in the fall semester will include: protein structure and function, DNA and RNA structure, DNA replication, transcription, translation, molecular biology and protein methodologies, enzymology, bioenergetics, principal pathways in metabolism, principles of metabolic regulation, physical methodologies, thermodynamics, and genetics.
880PAPH Cell Physiology & Neurobiology
This course examines: (1) cellular membrane transport and homeostasis, (2) the mechanisms underlying the functions of specialized cells including nerve, muscle and certain nonexcitable cells, (3) cellular responses to the environment, and (4) an introduction to Neuroscience using sensory, motor, and integrative systems as topics. The lectures will be supplemented by laboratory demonstrations, computer exercises, and student experiments.
For mini-labs, the class will be divided into groups of approximately four students. Each group of students will select a topic of interest from selected categories and then perform experiments in a faculty lab. The student groups will then present the results of their laboratory experiences to the class.
890GS Faculty Research Presentation
Members of the Graduate Faculty Organization give 30-minute presentations of their active research projects.
892GS Introduction to the Presentation and Analysis of Scientific Literature: Journal Club
This course gives students the opportunity to read, critically evaluate, and present research articles in a variety of fields. During this course students are expected to develop a high standard of scientific analysis and good public presentation skills. Students will be required to present one paper each semester and to actively participate in class discussions when not presenting. This course is required for all first year graduate students, but, if space is available, it is also offered as an elective for advanced students.
602GS Graduate Student Research Opportunities
With one full afternoon per program, each of the six Ph.D. training programs will describe its currently active research projects. This description will be presented in a format which the program's faculty feels best displays all its research activities. Two major goals of these presentations are to: 1) acquaint the incoming graduate students with the breadth of research being pursued at the Upstate Medical University, and 2) to thereby give the incoming graduate students further information upon which to base their own choice of research area for their dissertations.

Spring Semester
612GS Biomedical Sciences Laboratory Rotations
The second and third rotations begin on January 1 and April 1.
820GS(II) Biochemistry, Cell & Molecular Biology
Topics covered in the spring semester will include: advanced molecular biology, cell cycle, protein sorting and trafficking, cytoskeleton, methodologies of cell biology and development, extracellular matrix, tumorogenesis, cell motility, development, developmental model systems and cancer.
840M Introduction to Microbiology
This course will address the basic principles of microbiology and immunology. The course will be divided into three sections. Immunology will focus on the basic concepts of antibody production and regulation of the immune system. Virology will cover the basic mechanisms of viral reproduction and viral pathology. The bacteriology section will offer some insight into the basic physiology of bacteria and the basic concepts of bacterial pathogenesis.
892GS Introduction to the Presentation and Analysis of Scientific Literature: Journal Club
Advanced Biochemistry Courses
691(I)(II) Advanced Topics in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
This course will cover advanced topics and recent advances in the fields of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. The course will utilize a combination of lectures and critical reading of journal articles. Topics will alternate on a yearly basis, and be offered during the Spring semester. Part I will be taught in even years, part II will be taught in odd years. The course will have three exams.
(I) Protein Structure; Membrane Proteins; Protein Targeting, Assembly, and Sorting; Regulation of Gene Expression in the Brain; Enzymology.
(II) Genome Structure vs Funtion; Cell Cycle, DNA Replication and Nuclear Structure; RNA processing; Yeast Genetics; Cytoskeleton; Membrane Transport; Muscle Development.