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Welcome from the Chair

Stewart Loh, PhD

Stewart Loh, PhD
Professor and Interim Chair

Investigate With Us

In the Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, our research goals are to:

  1. uncover the fundamental mechanisms and pathways that underlie life, and
  2. apply these discoveries to the detection, treatment, and understanding of disease.
Research in the Biochemistry & Molecular Biology department encompasses themes of structural biology, protein engineering, genome stability, epigenetics, gene regulation, cell cytoskeleton dynamics, bioenergetics, and mitochondrial biology. Our research programs employ approaches ranging from in vitro biophysics to animal studies, to defeat diseases such as cancer, developmental syndromes, and neurodegenerative and aging disorders.

Train With Us

Our third goal is to prepare the next generation of biomedical scientists for careers in academia and industry. Our department spearheads the Graduate Program in Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, which consists of 35 faculty and 46 PhD and MD/PhD students across four basic science and five clinical departments. This program—of which the student composition nearly doubled in the last 10 years—establishes an extraordinarily collaborative research community. Our faculty works closely with students and postdocs to provide hands-on mentoring and training experience for young scientists. Integrative grants that synergize the expertise of multiple labs are the norm. Nearly all of our researchers publish regularly with colleagues from around the world as well as from Upstate.
