Didactic Teaching
CA-1 Resident Orientation
Starting the week prior to their CA-1 year, all our PGY-1’s about to start their CA-1 year, participate in our ‘Anesthesia Boot Camp’ where the residents have a series of introductory lectures, workshops, and clinical activities specifically aimed at getting them ready for the CA-1 year. This is followed up by a two-month lecture series starting on July 1st covering the basics of anesthesia. During this time, the CA-1 residents are given the opportunity to ease into their residency training.
This two-month series of lectures expose residents to anesthesia topics through several methods, including didactic in-classroom lectures from a wide range of specialties, computer simulations, problem-based learning discussions, and Q&A sessions.
The goal of the orientation period is to rapidly increase the anesthesia knowledge base of new residents. It also allows for residents to become familiar with not only the hospital but all the services that anesthesia provides outside of the OR.
Morbidity & Mortality/Grand Rounds Conference
M&M/Grand Rounds conference is held every Wednesday morning. The conferences typically entail a complicated or unique case presented by a resident and an attending. Outside guest speakers and CA-3 Senior Presentations are also included throughout the year.
September Workshop Month
This is a month of workshops in regional anesthesia, POCUS, and the difficult airway. These workshops use the latest technology and provide our residents with formal hands-on education using anatomical sections, live models, and simulation experiences. It gives our residents an overview of body structures and systems relevant to anesthesia. The Regional/Pain Management Team. POCUS and other anesthesia faculty facilitate this course.
Wednesday Education Day
From October until the end of June, every Wednesday features two blocks of lectures after M and M: the first block, from 8 am–10:45 am, is for CA-1 residents, and covers topics that correspond with their level of training; the second block, from 11:30 am–2:30 pm, is for both the CA-2 and CA3 residents, and covers more advanced topics.
Topics of these education day lectures include:
- ABA content outline review
- Written and Oral Board Exam prep
- Clinical case conference - clinically oriented stem questions
- EBM based Journal clubs
- Ethics, professionalism
- Practice management, billing
The goal is to expose residents at all levels to not only clinical anesthesia scenarios but also to topics outside the OR related to medicine.
Rotation Specific Lecture Series
Residents attend additional rotation-specific lectures during their pediatric, cardiac, critical care, and OB rotations. These lectures give residents a more in-depth learning experience while in those rotations to supplement what they learn in the normal weekly Wednesday lectures that all residents attend.
Mock Oral Exams

Our residents agree that one of the most useful opportunities we provide them with is our Mock Oral sessions which this year we will hold monthly starting in November and will go through the end of June for all our senior residents.
A panel of attendings administers mock oral exams to the residents. We simulate the exam with questions reflecting the same structure and format as the real exam in simulated conditions. Residents get the benefit of immediate feedback on their performance and the opportunity to experience a simulated Oral Board exam.
We also begin Oral exam prep before the senior year with discussions of the Oral Board Exam and OSCE Exams during lecture time and use that time to provide Oral Board and OSCE prep in a group setting.