Our faculty includes physicians representing every subspecialty area in anesthesiology—cardiac, thoracic, pediatric, critical care, neuroanesthesia, regional anesthesia, and trauma. Together with our residents, and CRNAs, these teams handle the most complex cases in central New York. In addition, we have outstanding acute and chronic pain management services, including fellows and nurse practitioners, so that we can provide a continuous spectrum of care.
The education of our residents and fellows is a top priority for our faculty. We have a superb weekly didactic program that includes lectures, simulation exercises, case conferences, basic and advanced written board exam prep, and mock oral board examinations. Special programs include POCUS workshops, difficult airway management workshops including emergent surgical airways, regional anesthesia workshops, and a regional anesthesia rotation that includes ultrasound guidance techniques.
Our training begins from the very beginning of the PGY-1 with rotations and experiences picked throughout the year to maximize the education of future anesthesiologists. That year culminates with a week-long "Anesthesia Boot Camp" for all our PGY-1’s with a series of lectures, workshops, and clinical activities right before starting their CA-1 year. The next three years build on that with our yearly September workshop month for our CA-2/3’s and continues with our Wednesday education day where the CA-1’s and CA-2/3’s have 4 hours of Grand round and Lectures directed at their groups.
Research opportunities, both basic and clinical, are readily available. A few faculty members are actively involved in ongoing laboratory investigations, including hyperbaric oxygen treatment of brain injury, amelioration of neurologic injury after cardiopulmonary bypass, chronic pain models, and immunosuppression after organ transplantation. Others are involved in investigator-initiated and industry-funded perioperative clinical research projects. Participation of our residents and fellows in basic or clinical research is strongly encouraged.